Peter J Prins - Business blogger, Solopreneur, Media Buyer, Author



CPA Marketing


CPA (cost per action) marketing can be a lucrative business model - or an endless money pit. There are many pitfalls which cause newcomers to give up - but there is hope. Get a free copy of my ebook "The 9 Dark Secrets of CPA Marketing" - just Click Here



Media Buying


Facebook and Google ads have become so over-crowded and over-regulated that it is difficult to use them profitably. The new trend is towards Push Notifications.- small ads popping up on cell phones and computer screens, which cost a lot less too.



Viral Marketing


Viral marketing used to be a hit and miss affair, dependent on your initial social reach and and sphere of influence. Now it has become a science - which can bring your advertising costs down considerably. Get a free video course on the subject - Click Here



Testimonials from Former Clients



About me



Who is Peter Prins?


He’s a nobody. Officially, I don’t exist. I’m just a guy who used to write stuff for which other people took credit.


Since 2008, I have been writing nonfiction ebooks of various lengths, articles, blog posts, social media posts and -profiles, product descriptions and more.


Along the way I had to learn many new skills - including social media, Wordpress and Joomla, Web design, basic email marketing, search engine optimization, and a lot more.


In 2020 I enrolled in a course on media buying - and qualified as a junior media (advertising-) buyer.That, and some subsequent experience, allowed me to also help people with Facebook ads, push advertising, native advertising and PPV ads.


At the end of the day, my skill set allowed me step away from clients, and go do my own thing.




Need more information?


Firstly, you my want to have a look at my blog - aimed at people doing business online, whether it be an online business or an online marketing tool a physical business.


Blog home page


Secondly, you may want to have a look at some of the latest ebooks I wrote:


Free ebook - The 9 Dark Secrets of CPA Marketing


Click Here to get your copy


Free ebook - The Perpetual Traffic Formula - How to get ongoing traffic to your blog or website without constant advertising, search engine optimization, or constant social media marketing.


Click Here to get your free copy

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